gw2 cooking 500

(t={item:2,text:3,map:4,skill:6,trait:7,recipe:9,skin:10,outfit:11}[t.trim().toLowerCase()]||0))return"invalid type";for(var i=[];e>0;)i.push(255&e),e>>=8;for(;i.length<4||i.length%2!=0;)i.push(0);2==t&&i.unshift(1),i.unshift(t);for(var n="",l=0;l0;)i.push(255&e),e>>=8;for(;i.length<4||i.length%2!=0;)i.push(0);2==t&&i.unshift(1),i.unshift(t);for(var n="",l=0;l' }); This Gw2 Weaponsmith Guide 1 - 500 is not the average guide. // Account bound recipes if (!match) { $.getJSON('' + c + '?access_token=' + token + '&wiki=1&lang=en') v[2] : null var html = document.createElement('div'); .done(function(chardata) { // Main widget code here At 440, do the collection. if (!match) { .tokenerror { color: red !important; background-color: #FFD7D7 !important; } rating 400 Chat link [&Ce8vAAA=] API API Ingredients 1 Bag of Coffee Beans 2 Lump of Coal 2 Jug of Water 1 Milling Stone Show base ingredients Used in Salvage results Exotic Extract of Nourishment (100% chance) Note: Do not start the culinary food until are at least lvl 440 cooking, since it will not count toward the achievement and you will need all the exp from discovery if you decide to skip cooking 440-450 from above. (t={item:2,text:3,map:4,skill:6,trait:7,recipe:9,skin:10,outfit:11}[t.trim().toLowerCase()]||0))return"invalid type";for(var i=[];e>0;)i.push(255&e),e>>=8;for(;i.length<4||i.length%2!=0;)i.push(0);2==t&&i.unshift(1),i.unshift(t);for(var n="",l=0;lOptional: API settings'); Climb the side of Mount Maelstrom towards Hellmouth Falls (function (t){var e=document.getElementById(t);if(e){var i=function(t,e){if(!t)return"invalid type";if(! this.className += ' invert'; } }); // Lookup the id, quantity and value of the current tptotal element (t={item:2,text:3,map:4,skill:6,trait:7,recipe:9,skin:10,outfit:11}[t.trim().toLowerCase()]||0))return"invalid type";for(var i=[];e>0;)i.push(255&e),e>>=8;for(;i.length<4||i.length%2!=0;)i.push(0);2==t&&i.unshift(1),i.unshift(t);for(var n="",l=0;l' + elementids.join(',') + ' { opacity: 0.2; }' + ''); displaySettingsLegend.append($('Applying an API key here will grey out recipes that you have already obtained for your account.
')); // DEFER LOADING SCRIPT UNTIL JQUERY IS READY. Head to the Reckoner's Waypoint (function (t){var e=document.getElementById(t);if(e){var i=function(t,e){if(!t)return"invalid type";if(! // Add CSS sheet to gray out appropriate elements // Give users the option to delete their API key cookie }); One decent spot to farm these are Verdant Herbs along the shore north of Forge Foundations (function (t){var e=document.getElementById(t);if(e){var i=function(t,e){if(!t)return"invalid type";if(! console.error("Characters API getJSON failed, status: " + textStatus + ", error: "+error); displaySettingsLegend.append($('')); // Outputs var globalval = list.getAttribute('data-useval') || 'false'; // Add CSS sheet to gray out appropriate elements var isSubtoken = !match[1]; 27 Plate of Roast Meat with Mint Sauce - Sold for 74 per via Max Buyout. var widget_AccountAchievements_counter = 1; }); var promises = [], maxsize = 200; grandtotal['sellst'] += (default_value * qty); $('.hiderecipes').remove(); displaySettingsLegend.append($('')); }); This Guild Wars 2 Weaponsmith Leveling Guide takes less mats, less time, less traveling and less gold to level your Gw2 Weaponsmith. Any good advice on the best/fastest/most efficient way to get those last 5 levels? var apiKeyCookieName = 'widgetAPIKeyCharactersUnlocks'; }); // Function to format coin values. this.setAttribute('data-sort-value', pricein); break; this.setAttribute('data-price-buys',price_data[gameid]['buys']['unit_price']); var selection = $('.character-list option:selected', widgetRef).val(); return ['[data-id="achievement' + + '-bit' + bit + '"]'] if (typeof price_data[id] !== 'undefined') { // Add "sell price minus tax" value If it is eventually rolled out, what do you want to get out of grinding toward Grandmaster Jeweler? 2020 ArenaNet, LLC. From Sage's kitchen, turn left, and the take the next right into Dwayna Low Road to find Luron's bakery near the middle. this.setAttribute('data-price-sells',price_data[gameid]['sells']['unit_price']); babazhook.6805 Members 1.5k Posted September 6, 2019 I am not sure on the numbers of levels you can gain as I reached 500 rather readily , but you can gain levels in cooking doing things other then cooking (such as making special back packs or refining dragonite ore and the like) Its possible that the cooking station is automatic just by hitting 425. var widgetName = 'WidgetAccountRecipes'; Make Chef's Tasting Platter after you reach 440 to gain the extra exp from cooking it. document.cookie = name +'=; Path=/; Expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT; Secure; SameSite=Strict'; I finished that quest and stoped at 491 hence why the OP asked how to get it to 500.I say discover any 400 recipes you havent yet OP. // Check for previous cookies and if present get the value for use with localStorage. I know talent when I taste it, so why don't you cook me a Chef's Tasting Platter and I'll give you my professional opinion. } else { if (pricein === 0 ) { case 'buys': deleteCookie("widgetAPIKeyUnlocksAccountCharacters"); // INITIALISATION method(); this.textContent = ''; $('#recipecontrol').after(displaySettingsLegend); }); if (inverse === true){ console.error("Account/achievements API getJSON failed, status: " + textStatus + ", error: "+error); 50 levels in Chef (10 per racial section completed), bringing you to a minimum cooking level of 475. Once there, you will be asked to cook one of each of the following: While satisfied with your chef's skills, Reimar thinks they would perform better given high-quality cookware. All rights reserved. Cooking 440-450 (optional): Spam any of these three Bloodstone Brick, Dragonite Ingot, or Empyreal Star. relevantIds.push(parseInt(match[1], 10)); }); // Verify this is the first time this script is being loaded. } For Vaastas to demonstrate his superior butchering, players must first complete the Help Kiboz Rapideater herd cattle to Butcher's Block event, which starts from Bovarin Estate to the southeast. function defer(method) { deleteCookie(apiKeyCookieName); }) }) localStorage.removeItem(subtokenCookieName); I had an excess of that stuff anyway. }); Asura Culinary Demonstration: Bowl of Tropical Mousse, Bowl of Truffle Sautee, Omnomberry Ghost. (t={item:2,text:3,map:4,skill:6,trait:7,recipe:9,skin:10,outfit:11}[t.trim().toLowerCase()]||0))return"invalid type";for(var i=[];e>0;)i.push(255&e),e>>=8;for(;i.length<4||i.length%2!=0;)i.push(0);2==t&&i.unshift(1),i.unshift(t);for(var n="",l=0;l 0) { Back; 10 Things I Wish I Knew as a New Player . However, the Discovery process for Chef is not as straightforward as it is with other crafts. You will need to cook all these food by yourself for the achievement: Norn Culinary Demonstration: Bowl of Snow Truffle Soup, Sesame Roasted Dinner, Sage Stuffed Poultry . 5-6s if you have enough Indigo Mushrooms. $('.apikey', widgetRef).val(''); volume = 0; infodesc = 'Lowest TP sell offer subtotal (including TP tax): ' + price['text']; } (t={item:2,text:3,map:4,skill:6,trait:7,recipe:9,skin:10,outfit:11}[t.trim().toLowerCase()]||0))return"invalid type";for(var i=[];e>0;)i.push(255&e),e>>=8;for(;i.length<4||i.length%2!=0;)i.push(0);2==t&&i.unshift(1),i.unshift(t);for(var n="",l=0;l0;)i.push(255&e),e>>=8;for(;i.length<4||i.length%2!=0;)i.push(0);2==t&&i.unshift(1),i.unshift(t);for(var n="",l=0;l

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gw2 cooking 500