azure service principal vs service account

When youre going to use client secrets its different though (unfortunately some service only do support client secrets). Select it and add it as a Virtual Machine User Assigned object. Evaluate service principals to reduce privileges. Managed identities are service principals of a special type, which are locked to only be used with Azure resources. Cute-Rutabaga8874 2 yr. ago Hello, thank you for your answer. Sometimes you want to take action based on that, but not usually. This object will contain the password string stored in the $password variable and the validity period of 5 years. This consent creates a one-to-many relationship between the multi-tenant application and its associated service principals. Get-AzureADDirectoryRoleMember, and filter for objectType "Service Principal", or use Thanks for contributing an answer to Server Fault! Very timely as just last week I was discussing with a junior member of the team the importance of using Service Principals and Managed Identitiesgreat read! There are many tools to create Azure Service Principals. In essence, by using a Service Principal, you avoid creating fake users (we would call them service account in on-premises Active Directory) in Azure AD to manage authentication when you need to access Azure Resources. One thing that was often essential to these automation tasks was a service account. Copy the code below and run it in your Azure PowerShell session. Want to support the writer? This means that an additional step is needed to assign the role and scope to the service principal. A service principal is an instance created from the application object and inherits certain properties from that application object. Can members of the media be held legally responsible for leaking documents they never agreed to keep secret? Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. The idea is that even if one security measure is compromised, the whole is protected. Service accounts are just accounts that you use to run services. These include using the Azure Portal, Azure Active Directory Admin Center, Azure AD PowerShell, Azure CLI, and Azure PowerShell. Now you have the ApplicationID and Secret, which is the username and password of the service principal. There are three types of service accounts in Azure Active Directory (Azure AD): managed identities, service principals, and user accounts employed as service accounts. Once you or the script has finished you can easily run the following command to disconnect the PowerShell session. Server Fault is a question and answer site for system and network administrators. If you can't use a managed identity, use a service principal. When using Microsoft Graph, check the API documentation. Yes, they can login via the GUI with the service account if they really want to (which might actually be a useful thing sometimes). See the image below for reference. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, This app registration requires a service principal to represent it within an Azure AD tenant so that the application can access resources secured by Azure AD. So it doesn't really factor into the topic at hand. You can check the resources access control list using the Azure Portal. Login to edit/delete your existing comments. Managed Identities exist in 2 formats: System assigned; in this scenario, the identity is linked to a single Azure Resource, eg a Virtual Machine, a Logic App, a Storage Account, Web App, Function, so almost anything. To be fair, I guess certificate authentication scenario is a valid case of distinct security feature which is not available for AAD service accounts. You must be a registered user to add a comment. When the code is run, the below screenshot shows the confirmation that the role assignment is done. After you understand the purpose, scope, and permissions, create your service account, use the instructions in the following articles. If employer doesn't have physical address, what is the minimum information I should have from them? The first step in creating a Power Platform service principal is registering an app in Azure Active Directory. For that we first need to provide the service principal the right access permissions. New external SSD acting up, no eject option. As you can tell we are simply filling a regular credential-object to connect with, in which the username is the Application ID, and the password is the Client Secret. You can use User Assigned Managed Identities for Key Vault by rewriting your code to access Key Vault. Always make sure to save the service principals password because there is no way to recover it if you were not able to save or have forgotten it. Next is to get the Base64 encoded value of the self-signed certificate and save it to the $keyValue variable. On Windows and Linux, this is equivalent to a service account Sometimes you want to take action based on that, but not usually. When I worked with on-prem IT infrastructure I was always keen to automate parts as much as possible, whether that was setting up a scheduled task to stop and start services on temperamental servers or automating the patching of the servers. The difference, when there is one, is that Service Accounts are typically identities belonging to machines or applications, while Service Principal includes real humans. The display name. While in the best scenario a service principal exist of an AppID, TenantID and Cert Thumbprint. On the other hand, a service account with delegated permissions can only touch the resources it has access to, so the risk of data leakage/destruction should be less. And like with passwords I wouldnt recommend to use the Never value as this means the client secret (password) will never expire. Azure Service Principal vs. Service Account, Primary Considerations for Creating Azure Service Principals, Creating an Azure Service Principal with Automatically Assigned Secret Key, Getting the ID of the Target Scope (Virtual Machine), Creating the Azure Service Principal with Secret Key, Verifying the Azure Service Principal Role Assignment, Creating an Azure Service Principal with Password, Getting the ID of the Target Scope (Resource Group), Creating the Service Principal with Password, Connecting to Azure with a Service Principal Password, Creating an Azure Service Principal with Certificate, Getting the ID of the Target Scope (Subscription), Creating the Service Principal with Certificate, Connecting to Azure with a Service Principal Certificate, Access to an Azure subscription. The tenant ID would also have been listed, if you dont have a note of it you can run the command to get a note of it. The service account uses the resource owner password flow to authenticate, which isn't supported by all auth providers. In this blog I will explain to you what a service principal is and how you can easily make use of them when running (automated) scripts. For example, an app that has the User.ReadWrite.All application permission can update the profile of every user in the organization. My recommendation would be to remove the contributor role assignment and add the correct level. Lets first go over what a service principal exactly is. The service principal object defines what the application can actually do in your tenant, who can access the app, and what resources the app can access. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? Avoid creating multi-use service accounts. Use user (and not service account) token for kubernetes dashboard, Automating the creation of service principal in Azure in a customer account, Disabling Synchronization Rule - Out to AD User NGCKey in AzureAD Connect. Signing into via PowerShell or Azure CLI can be quite quickly achieved. (taken from, C:\WINDOWS\system32>setspn -L WebserverServiceAccount. This as the App Registration is simply a different object in your Azure AD, however both objects belong to the same application in Azure AD as you can see. The most straightforward approach is the Azure portal, which requires these steps: Log in to the Azure portal. There are four models families available at the moment: GPT: Generative Pre-trained Transformers are powerful generative models which are best suited for understanding and . By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Select a supported account type, which determines who can use the application. Depending on which version of windows, ntlm, ssp, tspkg, kerberos, wdigest, dpapi, and probably half a dozen more I've only heard of in passing. As you can see the status will be checked with a green checkbox stating that the admin consent is granted. The app registration is only ever created once in the app's home tenant, however a . The Azure AD application you create has an identity called the service principal, which keeps track of what permissions the application has across all Azure resources. 83% of compromised passwords satisfy password length & complexity Unfortunately not all PowerShell modules do support a certificate to authenticate with, which would only leave the option open to use a client secret. You seem to be incorrectly under the impression a service principal has unlimited access to things, it doesn't. As with users, groups, and other resources, the ObjectID helps to identify an application instance in Azure AD. We have an app that needs to do app stuff, and those 2 concepts seems to be more or less the same thing: it's an identity with permission along with a password/secret/whatever credential. Please note that after this time this secret cant be used anymore. Typical use cases where you would rely on a Service Principal is for example when running Terraform IAC (Infrastructure as Code) deployments, or when using Azure DevOps for example, where you define a Service Connection from DevOps Pipelines to Azure; or basically any other 3rd party application requiring an authentication token to connect to Azure resources. rev2023.4.17.43393. As I provided access to read and write authentication methods, Im able to delete these as well as you can see with the command: Remove-MgUserAuthenticationWindowHello -UserId -WindowsHelloForBusinessAuthenticationMethodId o8ylNeQ0a071RsrlyWdOn3zaDzOm4LyPNQ-DZgMMEcs1. You should note that not called create, the Virtual Machine Administrator Login is an RBAC built-in role, which defined by Azure, the Owner just assigns the user/service principal as a Virtual Machine Administrator Login role at some scope (e.g. How do you know this worked? Azure offers several solutions to achieve this goal, being Service Principals and. Azure has a notion of a Service Principal which, in simple terms, is a service account. Enforcecompliance stronger passwords with Specops Password Policy. For example, access to a resource. Azure Managed Identity, Service Principal, SAS token and Account Key Usage When to use which authentication service to access Azure resources. What we are able to do, however, is retrieve the users and check their authentication methods, i.e. Confirm the scopes service accounts request for resources, If an account requests Files.ReadWrite.All, evaluate if it needs File.Read.All, Ensure you trust the application developer, or API, with the requested access, Limit service account credentials (client secret, certificate) to an anticipated usage period, Schedule periodic reviews of service account usage and purpose, Ensure reviews occur prior to account expiration, Azure AD Sign-In Logs in the Azure portal, Service accounts not signed in to the tenant, Changes in sign-in service account patterns, Don't set service principal credentials to, Use certificates or credentials stored in Azure Key Vault, when possible, Determine service account review cycle, and document it in your CMDB, Communications to owner, security team, IT team, before a review, Determine warning communications, and their timing, if the review is missed, Instructions if owners fail to review or respond, Disable, but don't delete, the account until the review is complete, Instructions to determine dependencies. We do not recommend user accounts as service accounts because they are less secure. Set an expiration date for credentials that prevents them from rolling over automatically. If you use PowerShell to retrieve those the cmdlet is Get-AzureADServicePrincipal, this will display all Enterprise Applications within the Azure AD. Step 2: Click on the New registration button. This name is displayed as well in the logs so make sure its recognizable for others as well. To create a managed identity, go the Azure portal and navigate to the managed identity blade. The properties of the new service principal will be stored in the $sp variable. Even thought Microsoft has a doc on that. Meaning the service principal determines the permissions the process will get after a sign-in. See, Create servicePrincipal. Automation tools and scripts often need admin or privileged access. Unlike client secrets, client certificates can't be embedded in code, accidentally. This means that an additional step is needed to assign the role and scope to the service principal. Azure has a notion of a Service Principal which, in simple terms, is a service account. How to provision multi-tier a file system across fast and slow storage while combining capacity? Important to know is that, in the background, an App Registration has been created as well for the service principal, whereby the application ID is matching and the Objectids are different. To do that, use the code below but make sure to change the value of the -Name parameter to your resource group name. Get-AzureADServicePrincipal | % { Get-AzureADServiceAppRoleAssignment -ObjectId $_ }. For example for tasks for which we are currently using service accounts This would then eliminate the use of service accounts, which is a big advantage as the service principal doesnt exist of a username and password, and cannot be logged in with interactively from for example a portal page, it is therefore less likely to be impacted when it comes to brute force attacks! Step 3: Provide a Name for the Service Principal. Some might say that service principals are service accounts for the cloud. Instead, you would wanting to be creating a service principal. Sharing best practices for building any app with .NET. Find out more about the Microsoft MVP Award Program. But again, there are no means to secure service principals any further. Let me show you the command syntax out of Azure CLI to achieve this: az ad sp create-for-rbac --name "pdtdevblogsp" resulting in this outcome: That is because of the -Role and -Scope parameters cannot be used together with the -PasswordCredential parameter. Resources can include Microsoft 365 services, software as a service (SaaS) applications, custom applications, databases, HR systems, and so on. For example, you can create an Azure service principal that has role-based access to an entire subscription or a single Azure virtual machine only. Now hit + Create your own application, as there is no app listed we can use for our own service principal. The whole idea is to make every successful attack as low-impact as possible. This, as older APIs like the Azure Active Directory API wont get the latest and greatest functionality of all that Azure Active Directory has to offer. I really appreciate the time that you took to explain this topic. To do that, go to the App Registration settings in Azure AD, make sure All Applications is selected and select the service principal we just created. From here go to the Certificates & Secrets section, as you can see no certificates and secrets have been added yet. Best practices and the latest news on Microsoft FastTrack, The employee experience platform to help people thrive at work, Expand your Azure partner-to-partner network, Bringing IT Pros together through In-Person & Virtual events. Once created, you will see that we have created an Enterprise Application within the Azure AD Portal and this can be referred to as a Service Principal, as explained earlier. Select another Azure Resource in your subscription, for example an Azure Web App, Logic App, and once more select Identity from the settings. requirements, block 3B+compromised passwords & help users create So what the heck? (NOT interested in AI answers, please). In this case you need to find out yourself what kind of permissions you need and, important as well, know to which API you are connecting to. Why are service accounts considered harmful? A multi-tenant web application or API requires a service principal in each tenant. Specify the Resource Group, Azure Region and Name for this resource. Once the certificate is selected we can see the Thumbprint of the certificate in the Azure Portal as well. A service principal, on the other hand, is treated more like a domain user within Azure. The following sections cover how you monitor, review permissions, determine continued account usage, and ultimately deprovision the account. When using Service Principals there are two ways you can authenticate as that service principal: Using a Certificate This allows you to link a certificate to the Service Principal which you can use for authentication. In simple terms service principal is an application, whose tokens can be used by other azure resources to authenticate and grant access to azure resources. Consider the alternative of a service principal: Both require some kind of secret to authenticate, whether a user password or client secret. Regularly review service account permissions and accessed scopes to see if they can be reduced or eliminated. Thus the SP can be assigned as a Storage Blob Data Reader, or as a Key Vault Secrets User. Theres no rule here, but your organization might have a prescribed naming convention. The key difference between Azure service principals and managed identities is that, with the latter, admins do not have to manage credentials, including passwords. your resource group/subscription/a VM). In the application context, no one is signed in. Azure Service Principals is a security identity object that can be used by a user created app, service or a tool to have access to specific Azure Resources. to configure some permissions I cant limit it down to very specific permissions via MS Graph. Withdrawing a paper after acceptance modulo revisions? The Azure service principal has been created in the previous section, but with no Role and Scope. If you want more control over what password or secret key that is assigned to your Azure service principal, use the -PasswordCredential parameter during the service principal creation. Not sure I follow re logging in. Now you know how you can create a service principal and use it for your scripts which for example run from Azure Automation. What do you mean by 'real humans' ? To log in via Azure CLI, its a one line command: The username is the Application ID, this would have been listed when you created the Service Principal, if you didnt take a note of it you can find this within the Azure Portal. Apart from password credentials, an Azure service principal can also have a certificate-based credential. There are many authentication and. Select App registrations and + New registration. yes, you CAN create a service account with a very strong password and implement policies that disallow it from accessing the GUI, but how likely is a typical azure user going to actually do. https website on webserver7) with a service logon account (ex. The Azure service principal has been created, but with no Role and Scope assigned yet. Hope those are enough reasons for you to start exploring and using service principals in the future and replace your service accounts :-)! The command above converts the secured string value of $sp.Secret to plain text. Even though I created Managed Identity for function there was no option to connect to the database :/, Hi, thanks for the feedback. Account script or application function is retired. An Azure service principal can be assigned just enough access to as little as a specific single Azure resource. Azure EventHub - Create 1 Service Principal per writer [OR] multiple certificates (1 per writer) over 1 Service Principal, Sci-fi episode where children were actually adults. ;). Use the following table to help mitigate challenges: If you're using an Azure user account as a service principal, evaluate if you can move to a managed identity or a service principal. The expected result would be similar to the one shown below. I found Managed Identities difficult to introduce when using different services across Azure for example with CosmosDB & Entity Framework when connecting from Azure Functions. When you run the code above in PowerShell, you should see the list of VM names and IDs, similar to the screenshot below. Working with Azure Service Principal Accounts. We get it. So by using service principals we can replace service accounts currently used and therefore improve the security posture of your environment! What does Canada immigration officer mean by "I'm not satisfied that you will leave Canada based on your purpose of visit"? The terms application and service principal are used interchangeably, when referring to an application in authentication tasks. a log analytics workspace as well with the same service principal, and want to use a client secret (which I wouldnt recommend though if it supports certificate auth). It all starts with a name, and an Azure service principal must have a name. Now, depending on the module or application for which you want to use a service principal, first determine which methods are supported. Its still better than a regular service account (cant be used for web-based sign ins) but only exists of things you need to know, hence the reason to use cert based auth where possible. Here is a link to our documentation, describing Managed Identity integration to connect to Cosmos DB: To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. The code below creates the self-signed password in the personal certificate store with the name CN=VSE3_SUB_OWNER. In this example we are going to use application permissions, therefore select Application permissions. Your email address will not be published. objectId will be a unique value for application object and each of the service principal. How can you use a privileged credential with a limited scope that doesnt have to be excluded from multi-factor authentication? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. We're then given the option to create a new registration. A service principal requires application permissions in AAD, which are very strong due to not being linked to a specific identity. Again as in this example application permissions are used we can only use it based on the certificate or client secret configured beneath the service principal. Provisioning and management of Azure resources. A service account lifecycle starts with planning, and ends with permanent deletion. Does contemporary usage of "neithernor" for more than two options originate in the US, Peanut butter and Jelly sandwich - adapted to ingredients from the UK. Service Principle Names (which I think you're asking about) are kerberos names for services. And for sure, your IT Sec will give you a lot of grief if you did all that. Reason for that is that a certificate is something you need to know (Thumbprint) and something you need to have (the actual certificate) to run. In this example, the new Azure service principal will be created with these values: Password: 20 characters long with 6 non-alphanumeric characters. When you create a Service Principal via PowerShell you do not get a copy of the password displayed, so you need to input a couple of lines of code to retrieve the password, as you can see in the code below. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. You can create a service principal by creating an app registration (Application) in Azure AD . ATA Learning is known for its high-quality written tutorials in the form of blog posts. You need to add one of the built-in RBAC roles scoped to the storage account to your service principal. Go to and open the app registrations service. The Azure CLI command to create a Service Principal is shorted and on creation the randomly generated password is displayed on screen. Not being linked to a specific identity into your RSS Reader the User.ReadWrite.All application permission can update the of! An AppID, TenantID and Cert Thumbprint what is the Azure Portal note that after time... Code, accidentally have physical address, what is the minimum information I should have from them, thank for. Been added yet over automatically the process will get after a sign-in can update the profile of every in... Is retrieve the users and check their authentication methods, i.e DB: https:.! 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azure service principal vs service account