characteristics of the samaritan woman

Let my weariness, my thirst, my longing for truth always bring me face to face with YOU. God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. - Romans 5:8. But she quickly changed the direction of the conversation to talking about his prophetic gift and worship. After the Jews in Babylon were released, they cut off those who had intermarriage claiming that they were no longer full-blooded Jews because they had betrayed Jewish customs. As far What is a Samaritan in the Bible? Above all, the story, which unfolds in John 4:1-40, suggests that Jesus is a loving and accepting God, and we should follow his example. She returns to her town and effectively shares her own experience with Jesus, inviting the villagers to come and see if they reach the same conclusion about him. A knowledge which explains her astonished reaction and unbelief (v. 9). It was about noon, the hottest part of the day, and a Samaritan woman came to the well at this inconvenient time to draw water. Jesus believes the same for you. Im so thankful for all the stories of the Biblical characters who were flawed and rough around the edges. John 4:16-19 says: He told her, Go, call your husband and come back.I have no husband, she replied. During his encounter with the woman at the well, Jesus broke three Jewish customs. Samaritan tradition claims the group descends from the northern Israelite tribes who were not deported by the Neo-Assyrian Empire after the destruction of the Kingdom of Israel. It was about the sixth hour. Specifically, her husbands. Equipping Christian Women to Abide in God's Word. She drops her water jar and rushes back to the village and says to everyone she meets, Come and see a man who told me everything I have ever done. Biblical scholars tell us that the well was the gathering place for the. Everywhere He went, Jesus interacted with the poor and outcast. Another of the characteristics of the Samaritan woman is about her spiritual condition. It would have been the heat of the day and most people during that time would have been resting. They comfort us as we examine the evidence of Gods grace, mercy, and forgiveness in their lives and help us to see how we can relate to them. Its only through the waters of His Spirit abiding in us that we are able to live, worship, and commune with Him. God the Son Incarnate: The Doctrine of Christ by Stephen Wellum. A longing for more and more of God, but not despairing thirst.. She could also be a second wife, a role which was also socially acceptable but not considered of the same status as the first wife. Amen. 17 The woman answered and said to Him, I have no husband.Jesus *said to her, You have correctly said, I have no husband; 18 for you have had five husbands, and the one whom you now have is not your husband; this which you have said is true. John 4:16-18. The following are some outstanding characteristics of the Samaritan woman: She was an observant woman (John 4:9). Photo credit: Guercino [Public domain] via, 4 Amazing Things We Can Learn from the Woman at the Well. Jesus answered, "I who speak to you am he." Antagonism between the Jews and Samaritans sometimes caused tension along this route (Luke 9:52), but, because of its speed, it was the route taken by most Jews going to Jerusalem,[158]except, perhaps, the strictest Jews who avoided the route to prevent contracting The Samaritans were a racially mixed society with Jewish and pagan ancestry. Men did not usually speak to women alone in the absence of their husband or some other male from their family. As quickly as she responded, Jesus exposed what she thought would be a secret to him. possibility that she had been divorced five times because of adultery, for she was then living with Why would she walk to a farther distance at the hottest time of day?! The one thing that keeps us from this loving relationship with the Lord is sin. To avoid running into the other people of the village. 5 Faith lessons from the woman with the issue of blood, Jesus and the rich young ruler 7 modern lessons from an old Bible story, 7 Powerful faith lessons from the prodigal son. She has been married 5 times and currently lives in unrepentant sin by living with her boyfriend ( John 4:16-18 ). The characteristics of the Samaritan woman have so so so many lessons for faith and life. But He took a shortcut through Samaria. When Jesus is our Messiah, He becomes the Lord of our life. The Jerusalem/Gerizim debate would soon be obsolete; He was ushering in a new era. Not only that, but she also came alone. Who Is the Beast in Revelation 13, and Have We Met Him Yet? Living water can be obtained only by those who recognize that they are spiritually thirsty. Fact #1: Mary comes from the Old Testament name Miriam which carries a meaning of bitterness, sorrow and trouble. Jesus and the woman discussed their views on worship, and the woman voiced her belief that the Messiah was coming. There were even Pharisees who were called the bruised and bleeding Pharisees because they shut their eyes when they saw a woman on the street and so walked into walls and houses!, There is a lot that we could dig into within this discourse between, Jesus was telling her that a time was coming when worship would no longer be focused, a specific place, temple, or mountain. At that moment, the disciples interrupt their conversation, but she has heard all she needs to hear. (2020, November 7). This is why the Samaritan woman found it strange that Jesus, a Jew, was speaking to her. As the story progresses, we learn that this woman regularly comes to the well at this time of day (John 4:15). Learn how your comment data is processed. "Sir," the woman said, "you must be a prophet." Second, she was a Samaritan woman, and the Jews traditionally despised Samaritans. This was a strange time of day and she was all by herself. HOW can you offer better water? Jesus said to her, "Give Me a drink," 8 for His disciples had gone away into the town to buy food. This article is part of the She Is Called Women of the Bible Study Series. Not only did the Jews not associate with the Samaritans, but many Rabbis would not associate with women at all in public. (accessed April 18, 2023). Jacob's well was there." [1] John's Gospel goes on to describe a conversation between Jesus and a Samaritan woman (called Photini in Orthodox . He says: Jesus answered her, If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water. - John 4:10. But one of her outstanding characteristics is that she was kind. Jesus is the living water that we need. Perhaps most importantly, we should notice that Jesus does not condemn her status but simply acknowledges what you have said is true (4:18), as he continues to engage her in theological dialogue, to which we now turn. However, the recorded conversation she has with Jesus at the well is the longest dialogue He has with anyone in Scripture. Jesus. How can you love her? One reason is probably because of the great amount of scripture devoted to the conversation between her and Jesus. The woman perceived Jesus as a prophet because He gently called out her sin and told me everything I ever did (John 4:29). But, she did not. She could be a concubine, which was a legal arrangement but with lesser status than marriage. Copyright 2023, Bible Study Tools. The Insights Bible Study looked at several woman this week, but Tracey Henkel continues this week's teaching focusing on the Samaritan woman. She was ashamed of her past and the way she was living at the time when she talked with Jesus. She was curious. Instead, through her conversation with Jesus, we discover a model for discipleship that is open to discovering a fuller understanding of Gods action in the world. She could have kept the good news to herself. There are some scholars who believe that to worship in Spirit means within the Holy Spirit. Many of us are looking for our religious system to fill us, but it is only an encounter with the Messiah that can satisfy. This turns the conversation to her personal history and current marital situation. This aspect of her life is certainly worthy of us imitating For Jews have no dealings with . Our lives are always looking to the next thing. Jesus said to her, You are right when you say you have no husband. Like the Samaritan Woman, we are thirsty. Qualities of Abigail in the Bible lessons from the woman with beauty and brains, 8 Amazing lessons from Mary the mother of Jesus . Learn Religions, Nov. 7, 2020, He tells us to ASK, SEEK, and KNOCK. She should have understood what Jesus was talking about. He broke through the cultural barriers in order to love others. Jesus often taught spiritual lessons through parables or stories. The story of the Samaritan woman is found in the gospels of the Scripture. In 586 B.C., the southern kingdom of Judah fell to the Babylonian Empire once and for all, as the walls of Jerusalem were breached, the temple was destroyed, and the city walls torn down. Its hard to live in full surrender to God when we are ignoring the simple truths we already know. Here we see Jesus reveal Himself as the Messiah to a woman that, from the cultures standpoint, he shouldnt have even been talking to. In response, Jesus said that if she asked Him, He could give her living water. It may also have been that she was married and divorced five times. Broken. This is a great summary. Ashamed. Lord, let me realize my weakness and my need for a Savior day after day. She had an encounter with Jesus. This woman had been living a sinful life but by the time she was finished talking to Jesus, she received salvation in fill. The Samaritans were people who lived in what had been the Northern Kingdom of Israel. What did Jesus mean when He said, You worship what you do not know in John 4:22? They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. The Actions and Speech of the Character. Get Your Bible Minute in Your Inbox Every Morning. Second, she was a Samaritan woman, and the Jews traditionally despised Samaritans. He is the unending source of peace, joy, love, self control, truth, hope, and satisfaction (Galatians 5:22-23). She wanted to avoid the awkward stares and murmurs that she was sure to encounter if she came with the other women. And, third, he asked her to get him a drink of water, although using her cup or jar would have made him ceremonially unclean. Certainly, five marriages is a high number. Understanding properly how worship as it was in the beginning and worship as it is now relate to worship in the world without end helps . ? She did not perceive that Jesus was offering her eternal life. We are called to daily take up our cross and follow Him (Matthew 16:24-26). [Jesus asked,] Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?, The expert in the law replied, The one who had mercy on him.. By reaching out to the Samaritans, Jesus showed that his mission was to all people, not just the Jews. There is a lot that we could dig into within this discourse between Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well. Him gladly. All of her questions and persistence led her to come face to face with the Living God. If you would like to learn more about this Biblical character I encourage you to, first, do your own study of the scriptures, then consult a trusted commentary. Jesus meets this Samaritan woman at Jacobs Well after a mornings journey and disregards social custom by asking her for a drink. I know that Messiah is coming (he who is called Christ). Father, there is not greater transformational power than an encounter with you. The Samaritan woman's story exemplifies the grace of God. Remember, Your Past Is Not Your Future. What you have just said is quite true.Sir, the woman said, I can see that you are a prophet.. For with shrieks, impure spirits came out of many, and many who were paralyzed or lame were healed. The Jews and Samaritans were related. She was so happy that she ran to tell the rest of her village and the whole town was saved. Why would I want to be strong and self-sufficient? They were replaced with a foreign race, planted there marks perfectly the spot where Jesus conversed with her. (John 4:42, ESV). Very often, meeting the needs of others can be messy. The Samaritan Woman knows about her inferior condition as a woman before a man and conflicting situation as a Samaritan with the Jews. We see in John 4:6 that she had come to the well at the sixth hour. Cast out. RELATED: 5 Faith lessons from the woman with the issue of blood. The Samaritans saw themselves as the true descendants of Israel and preservers of the true religion, while considering the Jerusalem temple and Levitical priesthood illegitimate. The sixth hour would have been our modern-day noon. Our souls rarely settle, as our lives are planned, priced out, and seeking perfection. Tired, He sat down at a well. Matthew is hostile to Samaritans, Mark ignores them altogether, and Luke keeps his distance. fastest and most direct, though it required travelling through Samaria. She may have been (Read Philippians 3:13-14). The living water that is given to us so freely in Christ becomes the well-spring of our life (John 4:13-14). 4 Things Christians Can Learn from The Story of the Woman at the Well 1. Finally, we see Jesus revealed as the Messiah. Proud member When he comes, he will explain everything to us.. The Samaritan woman's name or age is not revealed in the story of her meeting with Jesus. The Jewish attitude towards Samaritans is faithfully reflected in the New Testament, especially in Jesus' controversial choice of a "good Samaritan" to attack over-pious Jewish practices (Luke 10:30-37). She ran to communicate with the townspeople, and she started with them where they were. These half-Jewish, half-Gentile people became known as the Samaritans. The woman at the well was a Samaritan. No matter who you are or what your past is, God is interested in you. So, it seems most likely that her many marriages were not a result of her choice.[1]. Get Your Bible Minute in Your Inbox Every Morning. How can you ask me for a drink? (John 4:9). She is working on her first book to be published in 2016; an autobiographical teaching of the Song of Solomon. Jesus wants to be known. She was ashamed of it but Jesus got her to pay attention. Jesus becomes such a treasure to us, as He had become to the Samaritan woman, that we cant stop ourselves from telling others about the joy He has bestowed in our life (John 4:28-30). The As can be observed from the Bible, there are some thirty-four verses used to record this event. Imagine how freeing it must have been for her to find out that although she wasnt allowed in temple, she could still talk to God. today. The following are some outstanding characteristics of the Samaritan woman: Lord, please grant us more women with the above characteristics, in Jesus name, Amen! John 4:1-30 & 39-42. As we reflect on the woman at the well and what we have observed in her story, there are a few lessons that can be applied. This woman without a name is a wonderful model for all of us on our own journey of faith. revealed to her that He knew she had been married five times. There is the She was a perceptive woman (John 4:19). Christ and the Samaritan Woman depicts a Biblical scene in which Jesus, while traveling with his disciples in the region of Samaria, meets a Samaritan woman at a well.Jesus asks the woman for water for his bucket, defying the custom of Jews and Samaritans avoiding each other in society. As a result they would bump into things and suffer all kinds of bodily harm. The next best item to buy. He would make Samaria, not Jerusalem, His seat of government. The Samaritans were a people group in the Bible that lived in the area of Israel following the Assyrian conquest. The Samaritan woman is one of the better known women of the New Testament. Jesus took her through the process of seeing her need to change her life. She had not recognize Jesus from some past meeting, nor was she aware of His true identity. But as if that weren't enough, he told the woman he could give her "living water" as a gift from God so that she would never thirst again. Through this statement, he shows her that His word is true. She thus asked Him about the true worship, whether it was of the Jews or the Samaritans. The Argument from Contingency: A Proof for God, 6 Verses to Cling to When You Are Overwhelmed. She was a perceptive woman (John 4:19). Salem Media Group. Stuck in sin. The woman was shocked. It is possible that she had been married five times and all her husbands So he came to a town of Samaria called Sychar, near the field ethat Jacob had given to his son Joseph. It was about 6 p.m. when they met. Only in recent years have men been allowed to marry women from outside the community, although women who marry outside the community remain ostracized. He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Only God knows the fullness of her life and ours, but regardless of what her former life might Thank you for clarifying tones to use when enacting this reading. Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. The Bible mentions plenty of stories about Samaritans, and the hatred between Jews and Samaritans features prominently in the Gospels. It It could have been that she wanted to come to the well to draw water when she knew she could do it alone. She responds honestly and succinctly, I have no husband (4:17). She asked for the water, and He responded that she should get her husband and come back. ", Summary of the Story of the Woman at the Well. Do you dismiss certain people as lost causes, or do you see them as valuable in their own right, worthy of knowing about the gospel? They established as their center of worship a temple on Mount Gerizim, claiming it was where Moses had originally intended for the Israelites to worship. No matter where you are or what you are doing, you can worship God whenever or wherever. Our fathers worshiped on this mountain, and yet you Jews say that in Jerusalem is the place where one must worship. John 4:19-20 NASB. The Priceless Woman Virtues of a Godly Woman. Copyright 2014 Light From God's Word. Or, perhaps, these words press on an area in your own heart. Characteristics of Christ's Outreach John 4:1-41 Introduction: Our church is in a new phase of outreach. This becomes evident in our text from the astonishment of the disciples came. And boy, does he have a blessing for the ministry that women offer to help others. They had servant girls for that kind of thing. Copyright 2023, Bible Study Tools. God does not have favorites and he does not judge or condemn. Tired and thirsty, Jesus sat by Jacob's well while his disciples went to the village of Sychar, roughly a half-mile away, to buy food. As a Samaritan, she had similar beliefs so she should have know what Jesus was saying. Found. The solution is found in our focus in this essay: worship in the world without end. In 721 B.C., the northern kingdom of Israel fell to the Assyrians. Let Him give you His water today. After King Solomon ruled over the Israelites Gods people the unwise actions of his son Rehoboam in the tenth century BC led to a schism in which the kingdom was split into the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah, each with its own king. She could have chosen to carry on the tradition of hatred between the Jews and the Samaritans. Though we are not told this womans name, she has the longest conversation with Jesus of any character in the book of John. How can you offer her living water? She ran to tell everyone, completely unconcerned about what they would think of her. After all, anybody who knew her was not interested in the icky details of her life. Her current situation, living with a man who is not her husband, could be the result of several possible scenarios. Jesus was using her natural thirst for water as a picture of her spiritual need for Him. However, Jesus had sent His disciples away (John 4:8), and we see the woman approach the well for water. Salem Media Group. Opportunities abound, but we need to be wise and understand how best to take adavatage of the situation. The Samaritan woman in John 4:1-29 reveals this truth about us: that we are blind to our own need until the Anointed one opens our eyes. In Jewish culture, Rabbis did not speak to women in public. However, the Gospel brought hope to Samaria. Meet us in this story from Scripture and in our lives this day. her life. Marriage and the Samaritan Woman - Volume 26 Issue 3. Of all the characteristics of the Samaritan woman, this one helps us to understand the spiritual mindset of the entire community in which she lived, LEARN MORE: Women of faith in the Bible: Characteristics and lessons. Although they had never met before, Jesus revealed that he knew she'd had five husbands and was now living with a man who was not her husband. The nameless woman at the well was called to be a disciple and evangelist. As the years passed and my faith in Christ grew, I distanced myself from this needy woman of the Bible, oftentimes looking through the religious glasses I had put on to label others as the ones who needed this drink. 2. She speaks of her anticipation of the fuller understanding she will receive when the Messiah comes. Jesus showed that the Gospel is for everyone. When he offered her the water, she thought he meant literal water. They need to know that the price of their sin has been paid and that they too can drink from the waters of salvation. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Photo credit: Getty Images/Andrii Yalanskyi. This was the beginning of a long-lasting hatred between Jews and Samaritans. Terms of Use: The contents of this blog post are restricted to your personal use only. Jesus is the Messiah. Lesson #1: Jesus is never too tired to love you. By the 20th century the Samaritan population dwindled to fewer than 200 individuals, but it grew steadily to about 800 in the 2010s. God, you who met the Samaritan woman at the well that day. Think Daniel and the three Hebrew boys in Babylon. It starts right there where Jesus wants you to see yourself. He conveys these facts without the slightest sense of criticism or condemnation. Both kingdoms devolved into corruption and sin, despite repeated warnings from prophets sent by God. Then you can get clean, clear direction to walk in light and life. Jacob's Well is mentioned by name once in the New Testament in a passage ( John 4:5-6) which says that Jesus "came to a city of Samaria called Sychar, near the field which Jacob gave to his son Joseph. He asked her to go get her husband. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners (Mark 2:17). The woman answers honestly saying that she has no husband, and Jesus commends her honesty. Stuck in sin. God is not bound by time or place and hes not turned off by our condition. Jew, would talk to her but she seemed perfectly willing to draw Him water from the deep well. Learn Religions. Read my full disclosure. God is always in the business of rescue and restoration. Jesus has paused to wait on you, to give you living water. Widowhood was a common experience in a culture where women were married very young. Jesus Philip went down to a city in Samaria and proclaimed the Messiah there. Article Images Copyright 2023 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. The meaning of SAMARITAN is a native or inhabitant of Samaria. The woman *said to Him, Sir, I perceive that You are a prophet. Upon the death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus, the believers went out into all the world, bringing the Good News. These circumstances point to his desire to avoid the embarrassment that would come from attending the well when other women . Could this man be the Christ? (John 4:29, CEB). He asked her for water and this opened a conversation about worship. But by the time she was done talking to Jesus, the mess of her life became a mighty message that she was not afraid to run and tell other about. Jesus did it to set women free to access the gospel in full. She unashamedly invited others to know Jesus. One of the characteristics of the Samaritan woman was that she didnt understand how to worship God. If we continue reading the chapter, we find out that she had many husbands. suspicion by some rulers of His own nation, here is one of the despised Samaritans who received When Jesus saw that the Samaritan woman wasnt taking him seriously, he shocked her. The Woman at the Well Bible Story Study Guide. What Jesus had spoken of figuratively, she took literally. She seeks truth. If you would like to do your own in-depth study and learn more about the characteristics of the Samaritan woman at the well, make sure to get the Bible Study Worksheets Kits. Then he put the man on his own donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him. The details are strong. What did Jesus mean when He said, I am the Bread of Life (John 6:35)? I feel this vast amount of scripture affords us the opportunity explore and learn from their Jacob's well was there; so Jesus, wearied as he was from his journey, was sitting beside the well. To walk in light and life turns the conversation to talking about his gift. Working on her first book to be wise and understand how to God! Knew she could be a prophet. on an area in your Inbox Every Morning the world, bringing good. And divorced five times sin by living with a man and conflicting as. I want to be wise and understand how best to take adavatage of the Jews or Samaritans. Corruption and sin, despite repeated warnings from prophets sent by God would think of her village and the woman. Womans name, she had come to the well at this time day... 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characteristics of the samaritan woman